
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Sonstige

Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben t

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Abkürzung Langform
TDG Telekommunikations-Dienst-Gesetz, Teledienstegesetz
tdh Help File (Borland Turbo Debugger)
TDHS Time Domain Harmonic Scaling
TDI (1) 2,4-Toluol-diisocyanat, (2) Tolerable Daily Intake
TDI Transport Driver Interface
TDM Time Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing
TDMA Time Division Multiple/Multiplex Access
TDMF Transparent Data Migration Facility
TDP Thermal/Typical Design Power
TDP Tag Distribution Protocol
TDR Time Domain Reflectometer/Reflectometry
TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
TDS TeX Directory Structure
TDSR Transmitter Data Service Request
TDSV Telekommmunikations-Datenschutz-Verordnung
TDU Topology Database Update
tdw Turbo Debugger for Windows Configuration File
TDX Time Domain Crosstalk
TE Traffic Engineering
TE Terminal Equipment
TEA Tiny Encryption Algorithm
TEA Triethanolamin
TEB Thread Environment Block
TECO Tape/Text Editor and Corrector
TED Telefonischer Ermittlungsdienst
TEGFET Two-dimensional Electron Gas Field Effect Transistor
TEHO Tail End Hop Off
TEI Text Encoding Initiative
TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier
TEI Text Encoding and Interchange
TEI Transport Error Indicator
TEL Tetra Ethyl Lead
TEL Trans Europe Line
TELEAID TELematic Alarm Identification on Demand
TELEX Telegraph Exchange (Fernschreiben)
TELNET Telecommunications Network
tem Borland TEML Datei: IDR-Editor-Makroscript
TEMES Telemetrisches Echtzeit-Mehrkomponenten-Erfassungssystem
TEMEX Telemetry Exchange
TEMPE Telecommunications and Enterprise Multimedia Platform Environment
TEN Trans European Network
TEN TransEuropäische verkehrsNetze
TEP Transequatorial Propagation
TEPA Triethylenpentamin
TER Terminal Interface
TETA Triethylentetramin
TETRA Trans European/Terrestrial Trunked Radio (System)
Tetra Tetrachlormethan
TEV TankEntlüftungVentil
tex Dokument (TeX-Source)
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