
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben s

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Abkürzung Langform
SPMD Single Program Multiple Data
SPMS Software Project Management System
SPN Service Principal Name
SPNR Special People Numbers Registry
SPOC Search And Rescue Point Of Contact
SPOF Single Point Of Failure
SPOOL Simultaneous Peripherals Operation On Line
SPOT Systeme Pour la Observation de la Terre
SPOUT Spark Output signal
SPP Sequenced/Sequential Packet Protocol
SPP Scalable Parallel Processing
SPP Serial Port Profile
SPPI Structure of Policy Provisioning Information
SPPStandard Parallel Port
SPR Software Performance Report
SprengRL Sprengstofflager-Richtlinien
SPS Standby Power System
SPS Secure Packet Shield
SPS Session Presentation Services
SPS Speicherprogrammierte Steuerung
SPSI Spots Per Square Inch
SPT Sectors Per Track
SPU Sound Processing Unit
SPV Sparsed Pixel Vectorization
SPV Sound, Pictures, Video
SPV Semipermanente Verbindung
SpVgg Spielvereinigung
SPX Secured/Sequenced/Sequential Packet/Protocol Exchange
SQ Signal Quality
SQ Signal-Quantisierungsgeräusch
SQA Safety/Software Quality Assurance
SQCIF Sub Quarter Common Intermediate Format
SQE Signal Quality Error (SQE Test, heartbeat, Ethernet)
SQID Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
SQL Squelch
SQL Standard/Structured Query Language
SQUID Source Quench Introduced Delay
sqz Archiv (SQUEEZE)
SR Sampling/Send Rate
SR Signalling Rate Selector
SR Shift Register
SR Source Routing
SR Sicherheitsrat
SRA ScheinwerferReinigungsAnlage
SRAM Shadow/Static Random Access Memory
SRB Source Route Bridging (IBM)
SRC System Resource Controller
SRC Source
src Sourcefiles (DataFlex)
SRC Sampling Rate Converter
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