
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben l

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Abkürzung Langform
LDP Label Distribution Protocol
LDPE Low Density Polyethylene
LDR Long Distance Relationship
LDR LadeDruckRegelung
LDR Light Dependent Resistor
LDR Leerlauf Drehzahl Regelung
LDS Landesamt für Datenverarbeitung und Statistik
LDS Lotus Discovery Server
LDS Logical Data Structure
LDSG Landesdatenschutzgesetz
LDSL Low Speed ISDN Digital Subscriber Line
LDSS Low-dimensional Semiconductor Structure
LDT Lightning Data Transport
LDT Local Descriptor Table
LDTR Load Descriptor Table Register
LDTRC Load Descriptor Table Register Cache
LDTV Limited Definition Television
LDUP LDAP Duplication and Update (Protocol)
LDW LaDungsWechsel
LE Link Encapsulation
LE Logical Element/Extent
LE Light/Limited Edition
LEA Law Enforcement Agency
LEAF Large Effective Area Fiber
LEAF Law Enforcement Access Field
LEAP Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol
LEARP LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol
LEC Local Exchange Carrier
LEC LAN Emulation Client
LECS LAN Emulation Client/Configuration Server/Service
LED Light Emitting Diode
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEF Library Exchange Format
LEG Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft NRW GmbH
LEH Lebensmitteleinzelhandel
LEL Link Embedded and Launch-to-edit
LEM Language Extension Module
LEM Link Error Monitor
LEMF Law Enforcement Monitoring Facility
LEMP Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse
LEN Low Entry Networking/Node
LEO Link Everything Online
LEO Low Earth Orbit/Orbiting
LEOSAR Low Earth Orbit Search And Rescue
LEP Light Emitting Polymer
LEPS Lancom Enhanced Passphrase Security
LER Light Emitting Resistor
LES LAN Emulation Server/Service
LES Land-Erdfunkstelle
les Lernprogramm (Word)
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