
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie KFZ-Technik

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Abkürzung Langform
COC Conventional Oxidation Catalyst
Col. Colorverglasung
COMAND COckpit Management ANd Data system
CON Controller
COP Coil On Plug Ignition
COV Cross-Over-Vehicle
CP Cloud Point
CP Common Rail Hochdruckpumpe
CP Canister Purge
CPC Condens Particle Counter
Cpe Coupe
CPI Central Port Injection
CPN Central Partner Network
CPS Cam Profile Switching
CPS Casette Programm Search
CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor
CPS Camshaft Position and Speedsensor
CPSI Cells Per Square inch
CPU Central Processing Unit
CPV Constant Pressure Valve
CR Compression Ratio
CR Abblendlicht und Fernlicht
CR Common Rail
CR Costa Rica
CR-DPF Continously Regenerating Diesel Particulate Filter
CR-V Comfortable Runabout Vehicles
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRES Common Rail Einspritzsystem
CRI Common Rail Injector
CRIN Car Radio Identification Number
CROD Crash Output Digital
CRP Common Rail Pumpe
CRP Car Phone
CRS Child Restraint System
CRS Common Rail System
CRT Continuously Regenerating Trap
CRT Continous Regeneration Trap
CS CrankShaft
CSA Crankshaft Starter Alternator
CSC Concentric slave cylinder
CSC Central Slave Cylinder
CSC Coolant Spark Control
CSF Catalyst Soot Filter
CSF Catalytic Soot Filter
CSG Crankshaft Starter-Generator
CSG Crankshaft Starter Generator
CSI Customer Satisfaction Index
CSI Compression and Spark Ignition
CSM Concatenated Short Messages
CSR Conti Sicherheits-Ring bzw. Conti-Safety-Ring
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