
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie KFZ-Technik

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Abkürzung Langform
C/Light Cigarette Lighter
C/R Abblendlicht oder Fernlicht
C/T Clock / Time
C/T Clock/Time
C3I Computer Controlled Coil Ignition
C4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter system
CA Cabrio, Kabriolett
CA Closing assist
CA Crank Angle
ca Coeffizient Auftrieb ??
CAB Captured Air bubble
Cab Cabriolet
CAC Customer Assistance Center
CAC Charge Air Cooler
CAC Combined Air Control
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAE Computer Aided Engeneering
CAE Computer Aided(Assisted) Engineering
CaFCP Californian Fuel Cell Partnership
CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy
CAG Computergesteuertes Automatik Getriebe
CAHRD Crash Active Head Rest Driver
CAI Controlled Auto Ignition
CAL Computer Aided Lightning
CAL Computer Aided Lighting
CAM Computer Aided(Assisted) Manufacturing
Cam CAMshaft
CAN Controller Aerea Network
CAN di CAN Diagnostic Interface
CAN-H bzw. CAN-HI CAN High
CANP CANister Purge solenoid valve
CARB California Air Ressources Board
CARB California Air Resource Board
CARB Carburator
CARB I California Air Resource Board 1
CARE Concept for Advanced Recycling and Environment
CARIN Car Information and Navigation System
CAS Car Access System
CAS Clean Air System
CAS Computer Aided Service
CAS Computer Aided Styling
CAS Computer Aided Service (System)
CAS Crank Angle Sensor
Cat Catalysator
CAT Computer Aided Testing
Cat, CAT Catalysator oder Catalytic Converter
CATS Computer Active Technology Suspension
CATS Active Suspension System
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