
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie KFZ-Technik

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Abkürzung Langform
ABW Abstandswarner
AC Air Conditioning
AC bzw. A/C Air Condition o. Air Conditioner
AC P AC Pressure cut-out switch
ACC Active Cylinder Control
ACC Accessory Signal
ACC Adaptive Cruise Control
ACC Adaptive Cruise Control
ACC2 Adventure Concept Car
ACCEL Accellerator
ACCSY Accessory
ACD Automotive Components Division
ACD Active Center Differential
ACE Automobilclub von Europa
ACE Active Cornering Enhancement
ACEA Association des Constructeurs Européens d'Automobiles
ACF Automobile Club de France
ACI Automobile Club de Italia
ACK ACKnowlege
ACL Automatic adjustable shock Controller
ACM Active Control engine Mount
ACN Automatic Collision Notification
ACORD Automotive Consortium on Recycling and Disposal
ACP Automobile Club de Portugal
ACP Active Accelerate Pedal
ACP Active Accelerator Pedal
ACR Aqueousphase Carbohydrate Reforming
ACR Amplified Common Rail
ACS Anticipatory Crash Sensing
ACS Automatic Clutch System
ACS Automobile Club de Suisse
ACS Adaptive Control System
ACT Air Charge Temperature
ACTR Actuator
ACTS Air Charge Temperature Sensor
ACV Air Control Valve
ADA Abgaszentrum der Automobilindustrie
ADA Auto Directional Antenna
ADA Atmosphärendruckabhängiger Volllastanschlag
ADAC Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club
ADAM Advanced Dynamic Aid Mechanism
ADAMS Automated Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems
ADAPT Adaption
ADAS Advanced Driver Assistant Systems
ADB Automatic Differential Brake (BMW)
ADB-X für X5
ADC Automatic Damping Control
ADC Automatic Distance Control
ADC Automotive Development Centre
ADC Analog-Digital-Converter
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