
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
TS Transport Station, Telekom Service
TS Telesync
TSA Target Service Agent
TSA Technical Support Alliance, Test Signal Analyser
TSAP Transport Service Access Point (OSI)
TSAPI Telephony Server/Service Application Programming Interface
TSC Time Stamp Counter
TSC Transport Scrambling Control
TSM Terminal Server Manager (DEC)
TSM Tivoli Storage Manager
TSO Time Sharing Option (IBM)
TSOP Thin Small Outline Package
TSP Time-Stamp Protocol
TSP Texture and Shading Processor
TSP Travelling Salesman Problem
TSPI Telephony Service Provider Interface
TSPS Traffic Service Position System
TSR Terminate and Stay Resident
TSS Time Sharing System
TSS Task State Segment
TSS Temex-Schnittstelle
TSS Telecommunications Standardisation/Standards Sector (ITU)
TSSDC Task State Segment Descriptor Cache
TST Transmit Start Threshold
TSTN Triple Supertwisted Nematic
TSW Tele-Software
TSWTCM Time Sliding Window Three Colour Marker
TT Tracing Thread
TT Terminal Timing
TT Trunk Type
TTCAN Time Triggered Communications Area Network
TTF Truetype Font, Timetable File
TTI Teaching, Training, and Information
TTL Transistor-Transistor-Logik
TTL Time To Live
TTLS Tunneled Transport Layer Security
TTML Tagged Text Markup Language
TTO Tactical Technology Office
TTP Trusted Third Party
TTP Timed Token Protocol
TTRT Target Token Rotation Time/Timer
TTS Transaction Tracking System
TTS Text To Speech
TTT Teleteaching and Training
TTTN Tandem Tie Trunk Network
TTU Teletex-Telex-Umsetzer
TTW Through The Web
TTX Videotext
TTX Teletex
TTXAU Teletex Access Unit
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