
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
TIB Tag Information Base
TIB Technische Informationsbibliothek, Hannover
TIC Token Ring Interface Coupler
TID Target Identifier
TIDSV Telekommunikations- und Informationsdienstunternehmen-Datenschutzverordnung
TIES Telecom Information Exchange Services, Genf
TIES Time-Independent Escape Sequence
TIF Tag Image Format
TIFF Tag/Tagged Image File Format
TIG Terminal Internet Gateway
TIGA Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture
TIL Technical Information Library
TIP Transputer Image Processing
TIP Terminal Internet Protocol
TIP Technology Integration Program
TIP Terminal IMP
TIP Terminal Interface Processor
TIPHON Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization over Networks
TIRPC Transport Independent Remote Procedure Call
TK Telekommunikation
TKG Telekommunikationsgesetz
TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
TKO Telekommunikationsordnung
TKV Telekommunikations-Kundenschutzverordnung
TKZULV Telekommunikationszulassungsverordnung
TL Transport Layer
TLA Temporal Logic of Actions
TLA Top Level Aggregator
TLA Three Letter Acronym
TLAP Token Talk Link Access Protocol
TLB Translation Look Aside Buffer
TLD Top Level Domain
TLER Time Limited Error Recovery
TLGE The Little Golem Editor
TLH Top Level Hierarchy
TLI Transport/Transfer Layer/Library Interface
TLNKG Teilnehmerkennung (NUI)
TLQ Top Letter Quality
TLS Transport Layer Security
TLT Temporal Logic of Transitions
TLT Teaching, Learning, and Technology
TLU Table Lookup
TLV Tag, Length, Value
TM Turing Machine
TM Transaction Monitor
TM Tape/Trade Mark
TM Traffic Management
TM Test Mode
TM Terminal Multiplexer
TMC Traffic Message Channel
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