
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

Seite  1  ...  105  106  ...  177  178  179  180  181  182  183  184  185  186  187  188  189  190  191  ...  209 
Abkürzung Langform
TACAS Terminal Access Controller Access System
TACS Total Access Communications
TAD Telephone Answering Device
TAE Telekommunikations-Anschluss-Einheit
TAG Text And Graphics
TAG Technology Advisors Group
TAGC Tag Close Delimiter
TAI Temps Atomique International
TAL Template Attribute Language
TALES Template Attribute Language Expression Syntax
TAM Telephone Answering Machine
TAM Telefon, Anrufbeantworter, Modem
TAN Transaction Number
TAN Total Area Network
TAO Telephony Application Objects
TAO Track At Once
TAOCP The Art Of Computer Programming (D. Knuth)
TAP Terminal Access Point
TAP Telcom Advantage Packaging
TAPI Telephony Application Programming Interface (Intel, Microsoft)
TAPR Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Group
TAR Tape Archive (Format)
TAU Test Access Unit
TAV Test, Analyse, Verifikation (von Software)
TAXI Transparent Asynchronous Transceiver Interface
TBC Time Base Corrector
TBETSI Technischer Beirat für Normungsfragen des ETSI
TBF Technisch betriebliche Funktionsbedingungen
TBL Tim Berners-Lee
TBL Technik für Betriebslenkung
TBO Total Benefits of Ownership
TC Trust Center
TC Technical Committee/Corrigendum
TC Telecine
TC Transform Coding
TC Transmission Control/Convergence
TC Treatment Code
TCA Telecommunications Carrier Association
TCA Tightly Coupled Architecture
TCA Traffic Conditioning Agreement
TCAP Transaction Capability Application Part
TCB Trouble Came Back
TCB Trusted Computer/Computing Base
TCCC IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Communications
TCE Transmission Control Element
TCF Transparent Computing Facility
TCFS Transparent Cryptographic File System
TCG Trusted Computing Group
TCI Tag Control Information
TCIF Telecommunications Industry Forum, USA
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