
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
SVHS Super Video Home System
SVID Unix System V Interface Definition
SVM Support Vector Machine
SVN Subversion (a Version Control System)
SVP Scan-line Video Processor
SVPN Secure Virtual Private Network
SVR Session-based Virtual Route
SVR4 UNIX System V Release 4
SVV Segment Variability Value
SVVS UNIX System V Validation Suite
SW Software
SW schwarz-weiss
SW Short Wave
SW Status Word
SWAN Secure Wide Area Network
SWAP Shared Wireless Application Protocol
SWAT Samba Web Administration Tool
SWB Software Bus
SWBG Subtract With Borrow (random number) Generator
SWF Shockwave Flash (File Format)
SWF Short Wave Fading
SWIB Suchdienst Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken
SWIFT System for Wireless Information Forwarding and Teledistributing
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
SWIFT Software Implemented Fault Tolerance
SWIM Super Wozniak Integrated Machine
SWING Subscriber Wireless Network Gateway
SWISH Simple Web Indexing System for Humans
SWL Short Wave Laser/Listener
SWR Standing Wave Ratio
SWS Silly Window Syndrom
SWS Scientific Workstation
SWT Shockwave Template
SWT Standard Widget Toolkit
SWT Softwaretechnik
SX Simplex
SXGA Super Extended Graphics Array
SXXM Unextended Numbering Set Mode
SYLK Symbolic Link Format (Microsoft)
SYN Synchonizing Segment
SYN Synchronous Idle
SYSOP System Operator
T Taktleitung
T Telecomm, Telephone, Terminal, Text, Time
TA Terminaladapter, Informationstechnische Anschlussdose
TAB Tabulator, Technical Advisory Board
TABD Transatlantic Business Dialogue
TAC Transparent Audio Coding
TAC Terminal Access Control/Controller
TAC Type Approval Code
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