
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

Seite  1  ...  105  106  ...  175  176  177  178  179  180  181  182  183  184  185  186  187  188  189  ...  209 
Abkürzung Langform
STM Station/Storage Management
STM Science, Technology, Medicine
STM Synchronous Transfer/Transport Mode/Modul
STM Streams Manager
STN Super Twisted Nematic Field Effective Material
STN Scientific + Technical Information Network, Karlsruhe
STO Strategic Technology Office
STOA Science/Scientific and Technology/Technological Options Assessment
STOE Störung
STONE Structured and Open Environment
STP Straight Through Processing
STP Shielded Twisted Pair
STP Signal Transfer Point
STP Spanning Tree Protocol
STR Synchronous Transmitter Receiver
STR Suspend To RAM
STRT Start Initialization
STS Station to Station Protocol
STS Synchronous Transfer/Transport Signal
STS Semi-Thue-System
STT Secure Transaction Technology
STU Schere -- Tippex -- Uhu (-Verfahren)
STUN Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT
STX Start of Text
SU Switching Unit
SUB Substitute/Substitutability
SUB Subaddressing
SUB Systemunabhängige Betriebsführungstechnik
SUDS Software Update and Distribution System
SUG Sun User Group
SUM Simple User Model
SUMR Satellite User Mapping Register
SUN Stanford University Network
SURANET Southeastern Universities Research Association Network
SURE Scalability, Usability, Reliability, Economy
SUS Software Update Services (Microsoft)
SUSP System Use Sharing Protocol
SUTP Screened Unshielded Twisted Pair
SUUG Soviet UNIX User Group
SV Standortverteiler
SVC Supervisor Call
SVC Switched Virtual Call/Channel/Circuit/Connection
SVCC Switched Virtual Channel Connection
SVCD Super Video Compact Disc
SVD Simultaneous Voice and Data
SVD Single Value Decomposition
SVF Simple Vector Format
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
SVGA Super Video Graphics Array
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