
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
SSID Service Set Identifier
SSL Secondary System Loader
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSL Schüler, Studenten, Lehrer
SSL Secure Server Line
SSM Source Specific Multicast
SSM Storage System Manager
SSMA Spread Spectrum Multiple Access
SSN Secure Server Network
SSO System Security Officer
SSP Service Switching Point
SSP Switch-to-Switch Protocol
SSP System Service/Support Processor
SSP Serial Storage Protocol
SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar
SSR Sum of Squared Residuals
SSR Super Self Refresh
SSR Scalable Sampling Rate
SSRC Synchronization Source Identifier
SSS Switching Subsystem
SST Simple SIPP Transition
SST Self Service Terminal
SSTP Screened Shielded Twisted Pair
SSTV Slow Scan Television
SSU Session Support Utility (DEC)
SSW Schnittstellenwandler
ST Stream Protocol
ST Straight Tip (Connector)
ST Segment Type
ST Send Timing
STA Spanning Tree Algorithm
STA SCSI Trade Association
STACK Start Acknowledgement
STB Set Top Box
STC Set Top Computer
STC Subtechnical Committee (ETSI)
STD Suspend To Disc
STD Standard
STD Subscriber Trunk Dialing
STD State Transition Diagram
STDA StreetTalk Directory Assistance (Banyan)
STDM Statistical Time Division Multiplexing
STE Signalling Terminal
STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data
STF Specialist Task Force
STGO Start Tag Open
STID Secure Table Identifier
STK Software Translation Kit
STL Standard Template Library
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