
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
SRMA Split-Channel Reservation Multiple Access
SRO Sharable and Read Only (memory)
SRP Security Rollup Package
SRPI Server-Requester Programming Interface
SRQ Service Request
SRR Secondary Receiver Ready
SRR Search and Rescue Region
SRS Shared Registry System
SRS Secondary Request to Send
SRS Sender Rewriting Scheme
SRS Sound Retrieval System
SRT Shuttle Radar Topography (Mission)
SRT Secure Request Technology
SRT Source Route/Routing Transparent
SRTP Secure Realtime Transport Protocol
SRUC Split Reservation Upon Collision
SRV Server
SS Single Shift/Sided
SS Sampled Servo
SS Storage Server
SS Select Standby
SS Seed/Stack Segment
SS7 Signalling System No. 7
SSA Sveriges Sändareamatörer
SSA Screened Subnet Architecture
SSA Serial Storage Architecture (IBM)
SSB Schwäbischer Standard-Benchmark
SSB Single Sideband
SSBA Suite Synthetique des Benchmarks de la AFFU
SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code
SSCF Service Specific Coordination Function
SSCOP Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol
SSCP System Services Control Point/Program
SSCS Service Specific Convergence Sublayer
SSD Solid State Disk
SSD Secondary Send Data
SSDA Synchronous Serial Data Adapter
SSDC Stack Segment Descriptor Cache
SSE Streaming SIMD Extensions
SSEC Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (IBM)
SSF Service Switching Function
SSF Structured Fax File
SSFDC Solid State Floppy Disc Card
SSGA System Support Gate Array
SSH Secure Shell
SSI Single System Image
SSI SCSI Serial Interface
SSI Server Side Include
SSI Small Scale Integration
SSID Secondary Station Identifier
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