
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

Seite  1  ...  105  106  ...  170  171  172  173  174  175  176  177  178  179  180  181  182  183  184  ...  209 
Abkürzung Langform
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
SNRM Set Normal Response Mode
SNRME Set Normal Response Mode Extended
SNS Session Network Services
SNVT Standard Network Variable Type
SO Shift Out
SO Small Outline
SO Supporting Organization
SOA Start Of (zone of) Authority (DNS)
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SOB Start Of Block
SOB Statement Of Boredom
SOC System On a Chip
SODIMM Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
SOE Standard Operating Environment
SOFL Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language
SOG Sync On Green
SOGT Senior Officials Group on Telecommunications
SOH Section Overhead
SOH Start of Header/Heading
SOHO Small Office, Home Office
SOI Silicon On Insulator
SOIF Summary Object Interchange Format
SOL Siemens Optical Link
SOL Seniors/Senioren On Line
SOL Special Object Library
SOL Simulation Oriented Language
SOLAS (International Convention for the) Safety Of Life At Sea
SOM System Object Model (IBM)
SOM Start Of Message
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SONETT Soziales Netz Telecommunikation
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOP Service Object Pair
SORBS Spam and Open Relay Blocking System
SOS Start Of Significance
SOS Silicon On Sapphire
SOS Sophisticated Operating System
SOSI Shift Out Shift In
SOSIG Social Science Information Gateway
SOUP Simple Offline Usenet Packet
SOX Sound Exchange (File)
SP Segment Priority
SP Service Provider
SP Stack Pointer
SP Space (Leertaste)
SP System Program
SPA Secure Password Authentication
SPA Service Point Application
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