
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
SMOP Small/Simple Matter Of Programming
SMP Standard Message Package (Apple)
SMP Symmetrical/Synchronous Multi-Processing
SMP SONET Physical Layer Mapping
SMP Standby Monitor Presence
SMP Simple Management Protocol (Internet)
SMPS Switching Mode Power Supply (Schaltnetzteil)
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, USA
SMR Signal to Mask Ration
SMS Storage Management Services
SMS System Management Server
SMS Subsystem Management Service (OSF)
SMS Satellite Multi-Service System
SMS Service/Security Management Station/System
SMS Short Message Service
SMS Software Management System
SMSC Short Message Service Center
SMSCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast
SMSI Sommet Mondial de la Societe de la Information
SMSMO SMS Mobile Station Originated
SMSMT SMS Mobile Station Terminated
SMT Simultaneous Multi Texturing
SMT Station Management
SMT Surface Mounted Technology
SMT Simultaneous/Symmetrical Multithreading (Technology)
SMTI Systems Management Tools Initiative
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (Internet)
SMTPE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
SMU System Management Utility
SMXQ Sharing with Maximum Queues
SN Sequence Number
SN Subscriber Number
SN Signal/Noise, S/N (ratio)
SNA Systems Network Architecture (IBM)
SNACP SNA Control Protocol
SNADS SNA Distribution Services
SNAP Subnetwork Access/Attachement Point/Protocol
SNAP Streamlined Network Accelerated Protocol
SNAPI Soft Switch Network Application Programming Interface
SNCP System Services Control Point
SNCP Single Node Control Point
SNCS Secure Network Computer Server
SNF Session Sequence Number Field
SNI Subscriber Network Identifier/Interface
SNI Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG, Paderborn
SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (Internet)
SNMPV2 Simple Network Management Protocol Version 2 (Internet)
SNOBOL String Oriented Symbolic Language
SNP Sequence Number Protection
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