
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
SLM Salutation Manager
SLOC Source Lines Of Code
SLOS SuSE Linux Office Server
SLP System Load Partition
SLP Single Link Protocol
SLP Server/Service Location Protocol
SLP School License Program
SLR Scalable Linear Recording
SLS Service Level Specification
SLSI Super Large Scale Integration
SLT Speech and Language Technology
SLU Site Local Use
SM Security Management
SM Set Mode
SM System Management/Manager
SMA Sharing with Minimum Allocation
SMA Sub Miniature Assembly (Connector)
SMAE Systems Management Application Entity
SMART Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology
SMART Software Metering and Resource Tracking
SMASE System Management Application Service Element
SMB Small and Medium Business
SMB Server/Session Message Block
SMB System Management Bus
SMC Secure Messaging Card
SMC Standard Microsystems, Inc.
SMCC Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.
SMD Schiffsmeldedienst
SMD Storage Modul Device
SMDC Server Management Daughter Card
SMDR Station Message Detail Recording
SMDS Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service, USA
SMDSU Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service Unit
SMF Single Mode Fiber
SMF System Manager Facility
SMF Service Management Facility
SMF Simple Message Format
SMFA System Management Functional Area
SMG Supermastergroup
SMI System Management Interrupt
SMI Structure of Management Information
SMI Secure Monitor Interrupt
SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SMIT System Management Interface Tool (IBM)
SMK Software Migration Kit
SMM Start of Manual Message
SMM System Management Mode
SMO Social Memory Organizer
SMON Switched Monitoring Network
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