
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
SET Standard de Exchange et de Transfert
SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
SEU Smallest Executable Unit
SEUL Simple End User Linux
SEX Software Exchange
SF Store and Forward
SF Select/Send Frequency
SF Sign Flag
SF Single Frequency
SFA Sales Force Automation
SFAUSL Vorschriftensammlung Fernmeldeverkehr Ausland
SFC System File Checker
SFD Start Frame Delimiter
SFF Small Form Factor
SFINX Service for French Internet Exchange
SFLAAE/BS Star Fleet Ladies Auxiliary and Embroidery/Baking Society
SFP System File Protection
SFP Super Fine Positioning
SFPS Secure Fast Packet Switching
SFQ Stochastic Fairness Queuing
SFQL Structured Full-text Query Language
SFS Scalable/Secure File Share/System
SFT System File Table
SFT System Fault Tolerance
SFTM Switched Frame Transfer Mode
SFU Services For Unix
SFURD Stadtfunkrufdienst
SFV Standard-Festverbindung
SG Signal Ground
SG Supergroup
SGA Shared/System Global Area
SGC SCSI Graphic Commands
SGI Silicon Graphics, Inc.
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SGMP Simple Gateway Management/Monitoring Protocol (Internet)
SGRAM Synchronous Graphical Random Access Memory
SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node
SH Sample and Hold, S/H
SHA Super High Availability
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SHAFT Society to Help Abolish FORTRAN Teaching
SHAR Shell Archive
SHARL Specified Home Appliance Recycling Law, Japan
SHDSL Single-pair High Speed Digital Subscriber Line
SHF Super High Frequency
SHIA Strongly Hedonistic Internet Area
SHIFT Scalable, Heterogeneous, Integrated Facility
SHIT Secure Home Internet Telephony
SHM Short Hold Mode
SHM Semantical Hierarchy Model
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