
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

Seite  1  ...  105  106  ...  156  157  158  159  160  161  162  163  164  165  166  167  168  169  170  ...  209 
Abkürzung Langform
ROI Rectangle/Region Of Interest
ROLAP Relational Online Analytical Processing
ROM RAID On the Motherboard
RONJA Reasonable Optical Near Joint Access
ROP RISC Operation
ROPES Rapid Object Oriented Process for Embedded Systems
ROPS Remote Operations Service
ROS Resident Operating System
ROS Record On Silicon
ROS Remote Operation Service
ROSA Receive Only Satellite Antenna
ROSE RATS Open System Environment
ROSE Remote Operations Service Element/Entity
ROSE Research Open Systems for Europe
ROTD Release Of The Day
ROW Rest Of the World
RP Radio Paging
RPA Remote Passphrase Authentication
RPB Radio-Praktiker-Bücherei
RPB Reverse Path Broadcasting
RPC Regional Playback Control
RPC Radio Paging Call
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RPC Root Path Cost
RPD Rapid Prototyping Development
RPELPC Regular Pulse Excited Linear Predictive Coder
RPELTP Regular Pulse Excitation with Long-Term Prediction Loop
RPF Reverse Path Forwarding
RPG Record Program Generator (IBM)
RPL Resident Programming Language
RPL Requested Privilege Level
RPM Revolutions per minute
RPM Red Hat Package Manager
RPM Rapid Prototyping Module
RPM Radio Packet Modem
RPN Reverse Polish Notation
RPPROM Reprogrammable PROM
RPS Redundant Power Supply
RPS Remote Procedure Services
RPSL Routing Policy Specification Language
RPSU Redundant Power Supply Unit
RQBE Relational Query By Example
RR Resource Record (DNS)
RR Radio Regulations
RR Real Reality
RR Receive/Receiver Ready
RR Round Robin
RRA Remote Record Access
RRAS Routing and Remote Access Service
RRI Resource Recovery Interface
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