
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

Seite  1  ...  105  106  ...  151  152  153  154  155  156  157  158  159  160  161  162  163  164  165  ...  209 
Abkürzung Langform
RACE Research And Development in Advanced Communication Technologies in Europe
RACF Resource Access Control Facility (IBM)
RACH Random Access Cheannel
RACKS Reusable Application Interface for Communicating Real-Time Kernels
RACON Radar Beacon
RAD Rapid Application Development
RADAR Radio Detecting and Ranging
RADB Routing Arbiter Data Base
RADIUS Remote Access/Authentication Dial-In User Service
RADSL Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line
RAG Row Address Generator
RAI Remote Alarm Indication
RAID Reundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Discs
RAK Regeln für die alphabetische Katalogisierung
RALU Register Arithmetic Logic Unit
RAM Random Access Machine/Memory
RAM Rechargeable Alcali Mangan (battery)
RAMDAC Random Access Memory Digital Analog Converter
RAMP Remote Access Maintenance Protocol
RAMPS Reliability, Availability, Manageability, Performance, Serviceability
RAND Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (License)
RAO Remote Access Outsourcing
RAP Radio Local Loop Access Profile
RAP Rapid Application Prototyping
RARE Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne
RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (Internet)
RAS Reliability, Availability and Serviceability
RAS Registration, Admission, and Status
RAS Random Access Storage
RAS Remote Access Server/Service
RAS Row Address Select/Strobe
RASMED Redundant Array of Slightly More Expensive Disks
RAST Receive and Send Terminal
RATP Reliable Asychronous Transfer Protocol (Internet)
RATS Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society
RATS Rough Auditing Tool for Security
RAVE Renderer Acceleration Virtual Machine
RAW Read After Write
RBAC Role Based Access Control
RBAM Remote Batch Access Method
RBBS Remote Bulletin Board System
RBER Residual Bit Error Rate
RBL Realtime Black/Blackhole List
RBM Rule Base Memory
RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company
RC Run Command
RC Rivest Cipher
RC Release Candidate/Critical
RC Reconfigurable Computing
RC Receiver Clock
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