
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

Seite  1  ...  105  106  ...  133  134  135  136  137  138  139  140  141  142  143  144  145  146  147  ...  209 
Abkürzung Langform
OLALA Open Local Area Linux Applications
OLAP Online Analytical Processing
OLC Optical Link Card
OLC Online Computer
OLE Open License for Education
OLE Object Linking and Embedding
OLED Organic Light Emitting Device/Diode/Display
OLI Optical Phone Line Interface
OLI Open Link Interface (Novell)
OLIT Open Look Intrinsic Toolkit
OLIX On-Line Informationssystem UNIX
OLM Optical Link Modul
OLP Open License Plan/Program
OLSR Optimized Link State Routing (Protocol)
OLT Optical Line Termination
OLTP On Line Transaction Processing
OLWM Open Look Window Manager
OM Optimal Mismatch
OM Object Manager
OM Old Man (Radioamateur)
OMA Open Mobile Alliance/Architecture (Cabrio?)
OMA Object/Open Management Architecture
OMAP Open Multimedia Applications Protocol
OMAP Operation and Maintenance Part
OMC Operation and Maintenance Center
OMCR Operation and Maintenance Center Radio
OMCS Operation and Maintenance Center Switch
OME On-board Modul Extension
OMF Open Source Metadata Framework
OMF Open Media Framework
OMF Object Module Format
OMF Object Management Facility/Framework
OMFS Open Mosix File System
OMG Object Management Group
OMI Open Microprocessor Systems Initiative
OMI Open Messaging/Modelling Interface
OML Object Manipulation Language
OMR Optical Mark Recognition
OMS Object management System
OMT Object Modelling Technique
OMUP Operating and Maintenance User Part
ONAL Off-Network Access Line
ONC Open Network Computing (Sun)
ONCS Open Network Compute Server
ONE Open Net/Network Environment (Sun)
ONI Operator Number Identification
ONM Open Network Management
ONMS Open Network Management System
ONN Open Network Node
ONP Open Networking Platform
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