
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
MVDM Multiple Virtual DOS Machines
MVGA Monochrome Video Graphics Array
MVIP Multi Vendor Integration/Interaction Protocol
MVL Multiple Virtual Line
MVM Matrix Vector Multiplier
MVP Multimedia Video Processor
MVQ Motion Vector Quantization
MVS Multiple Virtual Storage/Systems (IBM)
MVT Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks
MW Mittelwelle, Medium Wave
MWC Mirror Write Cache
MWCG Multiply With Carry (random number) Generator
MWCM Molecular Wire Crossbar Memory
MWD Mehrwertdienst
MWM Motif Window Manager
MWMR Multiple Write, Multiple Read
MWN Managed WAN Networks
MX Mail Exchange/Exchanger (DNS-Record)
MXT Memory Expansion Technology (IBM)
Maschinelle Übersetzung
MZAP Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol
N National, Network, No/Non
NA Not Applicable/Available
NA Network Access
NAB National Association of Broadcasters (USA)
NAB National Address Base
NAC Network Applications Consortium (USA)
NAC Network Analysis Corporation
NAC Null Attachment Concentrator
NAC Network Admission Control
NACA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (USA)
NACD National Association of Computer Dealers
NACK Negative Acknowledge
NACS NetWare Asynchronous Communication Server
NACS National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors
NADIR Network Anomaly Detection + Intrusion Reporter
NAEC Novell Authorized Education Center
NAF National Arbitration Forum
NAG Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford
NAIF Navigation Ancillary Information Facility
NAK Negative Acknowledge/Acknowledgement
NAL Novell Application Launcher
NAL Network Abstraction Layer
NAM National Account Manager
NAM Narrow Amplitude Modulation
NAM Number Assignment Module
NAM Netware Application Manager
NAM Name and Address Module
NAMP NetWare Asynchronous Messaging Protocol
NAN Not a Number
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