
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

Seite  1  ...  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  ...  105  106  ...  209 
Abkürzung Langform
EHS European Home System
EHSA European Home Systems Association
EIA Electronic Industry/Industries Association, USA
EIAJ Electronics Industry Association of Japan
EIB European Installation Bus
EIBA European Installation Bus Association
EIBIEM Enhanced Interactive Business Integrating Environment Manager
EICAR European Institute of Computer Anti-Virus Research
EICTA European Information, Communications + Consumer Electronics Industry Technology Association
EID Electronic Information Display
EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
EIDP Electronic Information Developers Program
EIES European Information Exchange Service for the Communication between Harbour Areas
EIES Electronic Information Interchange System
EIFS Extended Inter Frame Space
EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
EIMS Eudora Internet Mail Server
EIN European Informatics Network
EIP Extended IP (Internet)
EIP Enterprise Informational Portal
EIP Extended Instruction Pointer
EIR Equipment Identity Register
EIRP Effective/Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power
EIS Enterprise/Executive/Expert Information System
EIS Electronic/Employee/Emergency Information Services/System
EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture
EISS Europäisches Institut für Systemsicherheit
EIST Enhanced Intel Speedstep Technology
EIT Event Information Table
EITI European Interconnect Technology Initiative
EITO European Information Technology Observatory
EIUF European ISDN User Forum
EIV Encryption Initialization Vector
EJB Enterprise Java Beans
EJO Electronic Journal Online
EKT Envelope-Kanal-Teiler
EKTS Electronic Key Telephone Sets
EL Erase Line
EL Embedded Linux
EL Elevation
EL Electroluminiscent (Display)
ELAN Emulated Local Area Network
ELAN Educational/Elementary Language
ELANC Enhanced Local Area Network Controller
ELC Embedded Linux Consortium
ELD Electronic License Distribution
ELD Electroluminescent Display
ELEC Embedded Linux Expo + Conference
ELF Executable and Linkable/Linking Format
ELF Extremely Low Frequency
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