
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

Seite  1  ...  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  ...  105  106  ...  209 
Abkürzung Langform
EA Emulsion Aggregation
EA Extended Address/Attribute
EAC Exact Audio Copy
EAC European Activities Committee
EAC Extended Access Control
EACEM European Association of Consumer Electronics Manufacturers
EAD Encoded Archival Description (Format)
EAD Ethernet-Anschlussdose
EAI Enterprise Application Integration
EAIM European Alliance for Information Management
EAL Evaluation Assurance Level
EAM Electronic Accounting Machinery
EAN Extragalactic Area Network
EAN European Article Number
EAN European Advanced Networking (Protocol)
EANCOM EDIFACT-Subset Konsumwirtschaft
EANTC European Advanced Networking Test Center
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
EAPOE Extensible Authentication Protocol Over Ethernet
EAPOL Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LAN
EARBA Enhanced Adaptive Rate Based Algorithm
EARN European Academic Research Network
EAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory
EARS Electronic Access to Reference Services
EAS Electronic Authorization System
EAS Enterprise Agreement Subscription
EAS Extended Area Service
EASA European Academic Software Award
EASKT Einzelanschluss-Konzentrator
EATA Enhanced AT Bus Attachment
EAWR Eingabeauswahlknotenregister
EAX Environmental Audio Extensions
EAZ Endgeräteauswahlziffer (ISDN)
EBC EISA Bus Controller
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (IBM)
EBCOT Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Truncation
EBD Emergency Boot Disk
EBI Equivalent/Extended Background Input/Investigation
EBL Electronic Bearing Line
EBM Electronic Bearing Marker
EBNF Erweiterte (Extended) Backus-Naur-Form
EBONE European Backbone
EBP Extended Base Pointer
EBP Elektronisches Briefpapier
EBP Electronic Bill Presentmet
EBPNN Error Back Propagation Neural Network
EBR Excessive Burst Rate
EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer
EBTF European Banking Technology Fair
EBU European Broadcasting Union
Seite  1  ...  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  ...  105  106  ...  209