
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

Seite  1  ...  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  ...  105  106  ...  209 
Abkürzung Langform
DOD Digital Optical Disc
DOD Department of Defence (Defense), USA
DODCI Department Of Defense Computer Institute
DOE Department Of Energy, USA
DOE Distributed Objects Everywhere
DOI Digital Object Identifier
DOI Domain Of Interpretation
DOK Distrikts- und Ortsverbands-Kenner (des DARC)
DOL Direct Object Linking
DOM Document Object Model/Modul
DOM Document Output Management
DOMF Distributed Object Management Facility (Sun)
DOORS Distributed Object Oriented Reliable Service
DOP Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol
DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle
DOR Digital Optical Recording
DOS Disk Operating System
DOS Distributed Operating System
DOS Denial Of Service
DOSEM DOS Emulator/Emulation
DOSS Dedicated Office Systems and Services
DOT Document Template
DOT Documents to Think with (GMD)
DOVE Digital Orbiting Voice Encoder
DOW Direct Overwrite
DOW Day Of Week
DP Draft Proposed Standard (ISO)
DP Distributed Printing/Processor
DP Digital Person/Photography
DP Data Processing
DPA Demand Protocol Architecture
DPA Document Printing Application
DPA Differential Power Analysis
DPAM Demand Priority Access Method
DPAR Data Parallel Abstraction
DPAREN Data Parity Enable (IBM)
DPB Drive Parameter Block
DPC Display Controller
DPC Direct Program Control
DPC Deferred Procedure Call
DPCM Differential Puls Code Modulation
DPCT Data Processing Control Transmittal Card
DPD Dead Peer Detection
DPDA Deterministic Push Down Automaton
DPDS Data Processing Distributed Systems
DPF Discrete Packet Format
DPG Dedicated Packet Group
DPL Descriptor Privilege Level
DPL Debian Project Leader
DPL Distributed Program Link
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