
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
DLM Dynamic Link Module, Distributed LAN Monitoring
DLO Document-Like Object
DLOC Delta Lines Of Code
DLP Digital Light Processing
DLP Data Load Partition
DLPI Data Link Provider Interface
DLR Dependent LU Requester
DLR DOS LAN Requester
DLS Distributed Load Sharing
DLS Dependent LU Server
DLSG Deutsche Lehrsoftware Gemeinschaft
DLSw Data Link Switching
DLT Digital Linear Tape
DM Distributed Monitor
DM Disconnect Mode
DM Direct Manipulation (of text)
DM Dialogue Management (System)
DM Disconnected Mode
DM Delta Modulation
DM Data Mark/Mining/Mode
DMA Direct Memory Access/Addressing
DMA Document Management Alliance
DMAC Direct Memory Access Controller
DMAN Differential Manchester (Coding)
DMB Digital Multimedia Broadcast
DMB Domain Master Browser
DMC Digital Media Center
DMC Distributed Management Chain
DMC Direct Memory Controller
DMCA Digital Millenium Copyright Act
DMD Direct Manipulation Device
DMD Directory Management Domain
DMD Digital Micromirror/Mirror Device
DMD Device Manager Driver
DME Distributed Management Environment (OSF)
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DMF Direct Manual Focus
DMG Distress Message Generator
DMI Desktop Management Interface
DMI Digital Multiplexed Interface
DML Distributed Mode Loudspeaker
DML Data Manipulation Language
DMM Digital Multimeter
DMMP Distributed Memory, Message Processing
DMMS Dynamic Memory Management System
DMMV Deutscher Multimedia Verband
DMOS Double Diffused MOS
DMP Designated Mailer Protocol
DMP Dot Matrix Printer
DMQS Display Mode Query and Set (IBM)
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