
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
DGIS Direct Graphics Interface Standard
DGL Device-independent Graphics Library (HP)
DGN Deutsche Gesellschaft für Netzdienste
DGT Direction Generale des Telecommunications
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Internet)
DHDTV Digital High Definition Television
DHIS Dynamic Host Information System
DHS Department of Homeland/Hopeless Security, USA
DHSD Duplex High Speed Data
DHTML Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language
DI Data In
DI Decoder Identification
DI Destination Index
DI-SCSI Differential SCSI
DI-W-SCSI Differential Wide SCSI (16 Bit)
DIA Defence Intelligence Agency
DIA Deutsche Informatik Akademie
DIA Display Industry Association
DIA Document Interchange Architecture (IBM)
DIB Directory Information Base
DIB Data Information Base
DIB Device Independent Bitmap
DID Digital Information Display
DID Digital Image Design
DID Direct Inward Dialling
DIDAC Digital Data Acquisition + Control
DIDL Digital Item Declaration Language
DIDS Defense Integrated Data System
DIF Data/Directory Interchange Format
DIFS Distributed/DCF Inter Frame Space
DIG Digital Imposition Geometry
DIGI Deutsche Interessengemeinschaft Internet e. V.
DII Dynamic Invocation Interface
DIIP Direct Interrupt Identification Port
DIL Dual In Line
DILA Direct-Drive Image Light Amplifier (D-ILA)
DIM Data Interpretation Module
DIMDI Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Information und Dokumentation
DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module
DIN Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung, Berlin
DINI Deutsche Inititative für Netzwerkinformation
DIO Data Input and Output
DIP Digital/Document Image Processing
DIP Dialup Internet Protocol
DIP Dual Inline Package/Pin
DIPS Dual Domain In Plane Switching
DIRC Digital Inter Relay Communication
DIS Dynamic Impedance Stabilization
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