
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
COVE Code Verification
COW Cluster Of Workstations
CP Call Pay
CP Control Program
CP Constraint Programming
CP Continuous Path
CP Contention Procedure
CP Conducting Polymer
CP Computer Professional
CP Complete Partitioning
CP Code Page
CP Circuit Package
CP Choke Packet
CP Check/Control Point
CP Central/Communications/Customized Processor
CP Card Punch
CP/M Control Programm for Microcomputers (DEC)
CPA Critical Path Analysis
CPA Code Parasite Autopropageable
CPA Closest Point of Approach
CPA Certified Public Accountant
CPAN Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
CPBX Computerized Private Branch Exchange
CPC Card Programmable Calculator (IBM)
CPC Computer Process Control
CPCS Common Part Convergence Sublayer
CPD Constructive Page Description
CPE Customer Provided/Premises Equipment
CPE Computer Performance Evaluation
CPE Central Processing Element
CPFSK Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying
CPG Central Pattern Generator
CPG Clock Pulse Generator
CPG COSINE Policy Group
CPI Cost Performamce Index
CPI Common Programming Interface (IBM)
CPI Common Part Indication
CPI Clocks Per Instruction
CPI characters per inch
CPI-C Common Programming Interface for Communications (IBM)
CPIM Common Presence and Instant Messaging
CPL characters per line
CPL Combined Programming Language
CPL Current Privilege Level
CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device
CPLD CMOS Programmable Logic Device
CPM Colliding Pulse Mode
CPM Computer Program Protection Manager
CPM Corporate Performance Management
CPM Critical Path Method
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