
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
CNP Corporate Network Provider
CNR Communication Network Riser
CNR Composite Noise Ratio
CNRI Corporation for National Research Initiatives
CNRP Common Name Resolution Protocol
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Frankreich)
CNS Color Naming System
CNS Communications Network System
CNSS Core Nodal Switching Subsystem (Internet)
CNT Central Networking Testbed
CNT Carbon Nano Tube
CO Call Offer
CO Central Office
CO Chief Operator
CO Command Output
CO Communication Outlet
CO Crystal Oscillator
COA Compound OLAP Architecture
COA Certificate Of Authenticity
COAM Customer Owned And Maintained
COARA Communication of Oita Amateur Research Association
COAST Computer Operations, Audit and Security Technology
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language
COC Coded Optical Character
COD Capacity On Demand
CODASYL Committee/Conference on Data System Languages
CODEC Coder-Decoder
CODINE Computing in Distributed Networked Environments
CODIT Code Division Testbed
COE Common Operating Environment
COEDS Common Event Database System
COFDM Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
COFF Common Object File Format
COGO Coordinate Geometry (Language)
COIN Console Interrupt Request
COINS Computer Output Information System
COL Caldera Open Linux
COL Collision
COLD Computer Output to Laser Disc
COLP Connected Line Identification Presentation
COLR Connected Line Identification Restriction
COLT Communications Line Terminator
COLT Computer Oriented Language Translator
COLT Control Language Translator
COM Computer Output Microfilm
COM Component Object Model
COM Communication
COM Common/Component Object Model
COM commercial; Internet-Domain: Firmen in USA
COM Continuation Of Message
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