
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
CMOT Common Management Information Protocol over TCP/IP
CMOV Conditional Move (and Compare Instructions)
CMP Configuration Management Plan
CMP Cellular Multi-Processing
CMPS Compare Word String
CMR Cell Misinsertion Rate
CMR Corporate Message Recovery
CMS Conversational Monitor System (IBM)
CMS Cryptographic Message Syntax
CMS Content Management System
CMS Compiler Monitor System
CMS Code/Color/Connection/Content Management System
CMT Cellular Mobile Telephone
CMT Chip Multi Threading
CMT Connection Management
CMU Carnegie-Mellon-University, Pittsburgh, USA
CMVC Configuration Management and Version Control (IBM)
CMW Compartment Mode Workstation
CMX Communication Method SINIX (Siemens)
CMY cyan, magenta, yellow (Farbmodell)
CMYK cyan, magenta, yellow, black (Farbmodell)
CN Comfort Noise
CN Corporate Network
CNA Certified NetWare Administrator (Novell)
CNAME Canonical Name (Record)
CNAPS Co-Processing Node Architecture for Parallel Systems
CNASI Centre for Networked Access to Scholarly Information (Australien)
CNB Collective Notebook
CNC Complete Network Centre
CNC Computerized Numerical Control
CND Caldera Network Desktop
CNE Certified NetWare Engineer/Expert (Novell)
CNET Centre National de Etudes des Telecommunications, Paris
CNF Chomsky Normal Form
CNG Calling (tone)
CNG Complete No-Good
CNI Communications Network International
CNI Centre National de Informatique
CNI Certified NetWare Instructor (Novell)
CNI Coalition for Networked Information
CNIDR Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval
CNIL Commission Nationale de la Informatique et des Libertes
CNIP Calling Name Identification Presentation
CNIR Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction
CNL C Numerical Library
CNM Customer Network Management
CNMA Communications Network for Manufacturing Application
CNN Cable News Network
CNNIC China Network Imformation Center
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