
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
CLOB Character Large Object
CLOE Common LISP Operating Environment
CLOO Reverse Object Oriented Logical Channel
CLOS Common LISP Object System
CLOWN Cluster Of Working Nodes
CLP Cell Loss Payload/Priority
CLP Constraint Logic Programming
CLPPCRE Common Lisp Portable Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
CLR Computer Language Research
CLR Common Language Runtime
CLR Clear
CLR Cell Loss Ratio
CLS Connectionless Server
CLT Communcations Line Terminal
CLT Computer Language Translator
CLTD Clock and Tones Distribution
CLTP Connectionless Transport Protocol (OSI)
CLTS Clear Task Switch Flag
CLTS Connectionless Transport Service
CLU Central Logic Unit
CLUT Color Look-up Table
CLV Ceiling Limit Value
CLV Constant Linear Velocity
CLW Certified Linux Wizard
CM Configuration Management
CM Corrective Maintenance
CM Connection Machine
CM Communications Manager (IBM)
CM Central Memory
CMA Concert Multi-thread Architecture
CMAR Control Memory Address Register
CMB Common Management Bus
CMC Computer Mediated Communication
CMC Complement Carry Flag
CMC Common Mail Call
CMDF C Memo Distribution Facility
CMDS Computer Misuse Detection System
CME Center for Media Education
CME Common Malware Enumeration
CMF Command File
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol (OSI)
CMIS Common Management Information Services/System
CML Chemical Markup Language
CML Current Mode Logic
CMM Capability Maturity Model
CMM Color Management Module
CMM Computerized Measurement Machine
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integrated
CMML Continuous Media Markup Language
CMMU Cache Memory Management Unit
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