
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
CIM Computer Input Microfilm
CIM CompuServe Information Manager
CIM Common Information Model
CINT Call Interception
CIO Chief Information Officer
CIO Central Imagery Office
CIOCS Communication Input/Output Control System (IBM)
CIOS Communication Institute for Online Scholarship
CIP Constraint Imperative Programming
CIP Concert Internet Plus
CIP Computer-Investitionsprogramm des Bundes und der Länder
CIP Computer Aided Intuition Guided Programming
CIP Compatible Independent Peripherals
CIP Common ISDN Access Profile
CIP Common Indexing Protocol
CIP Command Interface Port
CIP Classical IP
CIP Catalogue/Cataloguing In Publication/Publishing
CIP Catalogue Interoperability Protocol
CIPA Childrens Internet Protection Act
CIPE Crypto Internet Protocol Encapsulation
CIPP Contexts, Input, Processes + Products
CIPR Commission on Intellectual Property Rights
CIPS Canadian Information Processing Society
CIPSO Common Internet Protocol Security Option
CIR Classless Interdomain Routing
CIR Committed Information/Interface Rate
CIRC Circular Reference
CIRC Cross Interleaved Reed Solomon Code
CIRSC Cross Interleave Solomon Code
CIS Computerized Information Service
CIS Contact Image Sensor
CIS Computational and Information Sciences
CIS CompuServe Information Service
CIS Computer Information System
CIS Compact Image Sensor
CIS Client Information Server
CIS CASE Integration Services
CIS Cascade Inline Scripting
CIS Card Information Structure
CIS CALEA Implementation Section
CISAC Confederation Internationale des Societes de Auteurs et Compositeurs
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer/Code
CISE Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate
CISKA Campus Informationssystem der Universität Karlsruhe
CISPR Comite International Special des Perturbations Radioelectriques
CIT California Institute of Technology
CIT communications Improvement Team
CIT Company Integrated Telephony
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