
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
CHKPT Checkpoint
CHL Current Hogging Logic
CHM Cooperative Hypermedia
CHOP Channel Operator
CHPC Center for High Performance Computing
CHR Constraint Handling Rules
CHRP Common Hardware Reference Platform
CHS Cylinders, Heads, Sectors
CHV Card Holder Value
CI Control and Indication
CI Congestion Indicator
CI Computer Interconnect/Interface
CI Computational Intelligence
CI Component/Computer Interface
CI Command Interpreter
CI Coded Information
CI Call Intrusion
CIA Computer Interface Adapter
CIA CAN In Automation
CIAC Computer Incident Advisory Capability
CIAM Computerized Integrated and Automatic Manufacturing
CIB Computer Integrated Building/Bureaucracy
CIC Compunting, Information + Communications
CIC Computing Information Center
CIC Coordination and Information Center (CSNet)
CIC Committee on Institutional Cooperation
CIC Certified IT Consultant
CIC Carrier Identification Code
CICA Center of Innovative Computer Applications
CICS Customer Information Control System (IBM)
CID Customer Identifier
CID Configuration, Installation, Distribution
CID Conference Identifier
CIDAS Conversational Interactive Digital Analog Simulator
CIDIF Centre International pour le Developpement de le Inforoute en Francais
CIDP Computer Industry Development Potential
CIDR Classless Inter/Internet Domain Routing
CIE Commission Internationale de le Eclairage (Farbmodell)
CIEDS Computer Integrated Electron Design Series
CIF Cell in Frames
CIF Computer Integrated Facilities
CIF Common Intermediate Format
CIFS Common Insecurity Fail Scrutiny
CIFS Common Internet File System (Protocol)
CIIN Corporate Integrated Information Network
CIIR Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval, Mass.
CIK Crypto-Ignition Key
CIL Computer Inoperative Limits
CIL Computerintegrierte Logistik
CIM CompuServe Information Manager
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