
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
CFG Configuration
CFH COBOL File Handler
CFL Context Free Language
CFM Clock From Master
CFM Common Functional Model
CFML Cold Fusion Markup Language
CFNR Call Forwarding No Reply
CFOR Conversational FORTRAN
CFP Computer, Freedom and Privacy
CFP Content/Contention Free Period
CFR Controlled Ferro Resonant (-USV)
CFRI California Federation of Research Internets
CFS Cryptographic File System
CFS Central/Common File system
CFT Cray Fortran Compiler
CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional
CFV Call For Votes (Usenet)
CG Computer Graphics
CG Core Gateway
CG Cyclic Group
CGA Color Graphics Adapter (PC)
CGAL Computational Geometry Algorithm Library
CGATS Committee for Graphic Arts Technologies Standards
CGE (Linux) Carrier Grade Edition
CGE Compagnie General de Electricite
CGI Computer Graphics Interface
CGI Computer Generated Image
CGI Composite Graphics Interface
CGI Common Gateway/Graphic Interface
CGL Carrier Grade Linux
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile
CGMIF Computer Graphics Metafile Interchange Format
CGMS Copy Generation Management System
CGPP Computer Grahics: Principles and Practise (by Fowley)
CGS Common Graphics System
CGS Computer Graphics Society
CGS Continuous Grain Silicon
CGS International Computer Graphics Society
CGU Computer Graphics Unit
CGW Customer/Campus Gateway
CH Cyclic Header
CHAOS Cheap Array of Obsolete Systems
CHAP Cryptographic/Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHARM Character Mode
CHCK Channel Check
CHI Computer Human Interaction/Interface
CHIC Constraint Handling in Industry and Commerce
CHIL Current Hogging Injection Logic
CHILD Computer Having Intelligent Learning and Development
CHILL CCITT High Level Language
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