
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
CE Clear Entry
CE Consumer Electronics
CE Conformite Europeenne (Konformitätskennzeichen)
CE Collision Elimination
CEASA Cellular Emergency Alert Service Association
CEB Comite Electrotechnique Belge
CEBIT Centrum für Büro, Information und Telekommunikation
CEBUS Consumer Electronics Bus
CECC Electronic Components Committee
CECMG Central Europe Computer Measurement Group
CECP (?) Code Page
CEDEX Courrier de entreprise distribution exceptionelle
CEFIC EDIFACT-Subset Chemical Industry
CEG Continuous Edge Graphics
CEI Conducted Electromagnetic Interference
CEK Content Encryption Key
CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction
CELT Corpus of Electronic Texts
CEM Common Evaluation Methodology
CEM Computational Electromagnetics
CEMEC Committee of European Associations of Manufacturers of Electronic Components
CEMM Compaq Expanded Memory Manager
CENTR Council of European National Top level domain Registries
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CEP Connection End Point
CEPEC Committee of European Associations of Manufacturers of Passive Electronic Components
CEPIS Council of European Professional Informatics Societies
CEPT Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications
CER Cell Error Ratio
CERA Climate and Environmental Data Retrieval and Archive
CERF California Education and Research Federation (network)
CERN Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire
CERT Computer Emergency Response Team (DFN)
CES Consumer Electronics Show
CES Coast Earth Station
CES Circuit Emulation Service
CESC Component Encoding Stream Construction
CESG Communications Electronics Security Group (UK)
CESH Competence Center Electronic Shopping
CEST Central European Summer Time
CESU Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF (Unicode)
CET Central European Time
CF Compact Framework
CF Compact Flash (Card)
CF Call Forwarding
CFB Call Forwarding Busy
CFB Cipher Feedback
CFD Call For Discussion (Usenet)
CFDP Coherent File Distribution Protocol (Internet)
CFE Connected Family Environment
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