
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
VTS Voucher Trading System
VTS Virtual Tape/Terminal Server/Service/Support
VTSU Virtual Terminal Support
VU Volume Unit (Lautstärke)
VUD Verband der Unterhaltungssoftware Deutschland
VUE Visual User Environment
VUEN Virtual University Education Network
VUI Video User Interface
VUIT Visual User Interface Tool (DEC)
VUP Version Upgrade
VUP VAX Unit of Performance
VV Virtual Virtuality
VVL Verbund Virtuelles Labor
VWM Virtual Warehouse Manager
VXE VESA XGA Extensions
VZFDPBDK Verein zur Förderung der privat betriebenen Daten-Kommunikation e. V.
W Wide, Window, Wireless, World
W3 WWW, World Wide Web (Internet)
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WABI Windows Application Binary Interface
WACK Wait Acknowledgement
WACS Wireless Access Communications System
WAD Wählautomat für Datenverbindungen
WAE Worked All Europe
WAENA Wide Area Educational Network
WAF Womens Acceptance Factor
WAI Web Accessibility Initiative
WAIS Wide Area Information Servers/Service
WAITS Wide Area Information Transfer System
WAL Write Ahead Logging
WAM Warren Abstract Machine
WAM Wide Amplitude Modulation
WAMP Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP
WAMPUM Wards Automated Menu Package Using Microcomputers
WAN Wide Area Network
WAO Warteschlange der ablaufbereiten Objekte
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WAP Wissenschaftlicher Arbeitsplatz
WAPI Wireless Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure
WARC World Administrative Radio Conference
WAS Web Application Server
WATS Wide Area Telephone/Telecommunications Service
WATTC World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference
WAWA Work Anywhere With Anybody
WB Write Back
WBC Wide Band Channel
WBC Web Based Communication
WBEM Web Based Enterprise Management
WBM Web Based Management
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