
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
VRID Virtual Route Identifier
VRM Variable Range Marker
VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VRN Virtual Route Number
VROOMM Virtual Realtime Object-Oriented Memory Management
VRP Viewing Reference Point
VRPRQ Virtual Route Pacing Request
VRPRS Virtual Route Pacing Response
VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
VRU Voice Response Unit
VRV Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Verhältnis
VS Virtual Storage
VSA Virtual Server Architecture
VSA Virtual Storage Access
VSAM Virtual Storage Access Method
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal
VSC Voice Security Card
VSD Variable Speed Drive
VSE Verification Support Environment
VSE Virtual Storage Extended
VSF Vertical Scanning Frequency
VSI Verband der Software-Industrie Deutschlands e. V.
VSI Virtual Socket Interface (Alliance)
VSK Video-Sender-Kennung
VSL Virtual Socket Library
VSM Virtual Storage Management
VSM Virtual Shared Memory
VSMO Virtual Social Memory Organizer
VSMSC Virtual Short Message Center
VSN Virtual Switched Network
VSO VITA Standards Organization
VSO Variable Speed Operation
VSOP Very Special Old Programmer (like me)
VSOS Virtual Storage Operating System
VST Vermittlungsstelle
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
VSX Verification Suite for X/Open
VT Vanderpool Technology (Intel)
VT Vertical Tabulator
VT Video/Virtual Terminal
VT Visualization Tool
VTAM Virtual Terminal/Telecommunications Access Method
VTC Vertical Transistor Cell
VTC Video Teleconference Center
VTCO Virtual Terminal Control Object
VTM Verband der Telekommunikationsnetz- und Mehrwertdiensteanbieter, Köln
VTOA Voice and Telephony Over ATM
VTOC Volume Table Of Contents
VTOS Virtual Time Operating System
VTP Virtual Terminal Protocol
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