
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben i

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Abkürzung Langform
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identifier/Identity
IMF Internationaler Währungsfonds
IMG Information Management Group
IMG Image
img Bitmap komprimiert (Ventura Publisher)
IMHO In My Humble/Honest Opinion
IMI Internet MSS Interface
IMIMG ISDN Memorandum of Understanding Implementation Management Group
IMO Internationale Seeschiffahrts-Organisation
IMO IMmObilizer
IMO International Maritime Organization
IMP Instant Messaging Protocol
imp Datei (Lotus Improv)
IMP Information/Interface Message Processor
IMPA Intelligent Multi-Port Adaptor
IMPP Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol
IMPS Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite
IMR Internet Monthly Report
IMS Ionenmobilitätsspektrometrie
IMS Internet Mail Service
IMS Information Management System
IMS Integrated Media Service
IMS Inductive Magnetic Saturation
IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem
IMS Intermediate Maintenance Standards
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IMSL International Mathematical Subroutine Library (VNI)
IMSP Internet Message Support Protocol
IMSP Independent Manufacturers Support Program
IMT Inter-Machine Trunk
IMT International Mobile Telecommunications
IMT Information Managment Team
IMTC International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium
IN Input
IN Intelligentes Netz (Telekom)
IN Individual Network e. V.
INA Institut National de la Audiovisuel
INAK Information Negative Acknowledgement
INAP Intelligent Network Application Part
INARP Inverse Address Resolution Protocol
inc Include Datei (Programmiersprachen)
INC Increment
INC Internet Computer
INC In Chain
INCA Interleaved Native Compiled Architecture
IND Indien
indekl indeklinabel
INDU Ausschuss für Industrie, Außenhandel, Forschung und Energie des EP
INET International Networking Conference
inf Informationen über den Inhalt gleichnamiger Dateien Iexpl. 4.0.
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