
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben f

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Abkürzung Langform
FBS Fernbedienungs- und Steuerungssystem
FBS FahrBerechtigungsSystem
fbx Telix Phone Book
FC Flow Control
FC Federal Criteria
FC Fuel Cell
FC Forward Checking
FC Flip Chip
FC Frame Control
FC Fibre Channel
FC-AL Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop
FCA Fibre Channel Association
FCA Fuel Control Assembly
FCB File Control Block
FCB Future Communications Bus
FCC Federal Communications Commision
FCC Federal Communications Commission, USA
FCC File Carbon Copy
FCCSET Federal Coordination Committee on Science, Engineering and Technology
FCD Floating Car Data
FCD Foundation for Communication for the Disabled
FCEV Fuel Cell Vehicle
FCI flux changes per inch
FCIA Fibre Channel Industry Association
FCIF Full Common Intermediate Format
FCKW FluorChlorKohlenWasserstoffe
fcl full container load
FCL FORTRAN Command Language
fcl Script (FirstClass)
FCLC Fibre Channel Loop Community
FCM Fan Control Module
fco franco
fcp Parameterdatei (FirstClass)
FCP Fibre Channel Protocol
FCPGA Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
FCR Forwarding Agents Certificate of Receipt
FCRAM Fast Cycle (Dynamic) Random Access Memory
FCS Fuel Control Solenoid
FCS Frame Check/Checking Sequence
FCS Fibre Channel Standard
FCS First Customer Shipment
FCSI Fiber Channel Systems Initiative
FCT Fast CMOS Technology
FCT Firewall Configuration Tool
FCVC Flow Controlled Virtual Channel
fd Feldoffsets für den Compiler (DataFlex)
fd Konfigurationsdatei (Frontdoor)
FD Full Duplex
FD Floppy Disk
FDC Final Committee Draft
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