
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben d

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Abkürzung Langform
dd Archiv (DiskDoubler)
DD Data Definition/Deliverable
DD Demand Draft
DD & Shpg. Dock Dues and Shipping
DDA Digital Differential Analyzer
DDA Document Description Architecture
DDA Digital Directional Antenna
DDA Deutscher Dampfkessel-Ausschuss
DDA Distributed Database Architecture
DDA DRAM Development Alliance
DDA Deutsche Daten-Autobahn
DDB Device Dependent Bitmap
DDBAC Data Design HBCI Banking Application Components
DDBMS Distributed Data Base Management System
DDC Dewey Decimal Classification
DDC Display Data Channel
DDC Direct Digital Control
DDC Distributed Data Coupling
DDCMP Digital Data Communication Message Protocol (DEC)
DDCS Distributed Database Connection Services (IBM)
DDD Direct Distance Dialing
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
DDE Digitale Diesel Elektronik
DDE Direct Data Entry
DDE Distributed Debugging Environment
DDEML Dynamic Data Exchange Manager Library (Microsoft)
DDES Double Data Encryption Standard
DDFA Data Communications and Terminal Controller Device File Access
DDH Distributed Document Handling
DDI Device Driver Interface
DDI Direct Dialling In
ddi DiskDupeImagefile
DDIF Digital Document Interchange Format
DDK Device Driver Kit (Microsoft)
DDK Driver Development Kit
DDL Data Definition/Description Language
DDL Display/Document Description Language
DDM Distributed Data Manager/Management
DDN Defense Data Network, USA
DDNS Dynamic Domain Name System
DDOS Distributed Denial Of Service
DDP Didecylphthalat
DDP Debian Documentation Project
DDP Distributed Data Processing
DDR Deutsche Demokratische Republik
DDR Double Data Rate (RAM)
DDS Direct Digital Service
DDS DFN Directory Services
DDS Delegation Discovery System
DDS Digital/Distributed Data Service/Storage
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